Where to find answers to your Top questions during Pregnancy and Postpartum

I have learned a lot having kids 18 months apart. Do you know why my kids are 18 months apart? Because I wanted another kid, and I wanted to get the pregnancy over with.

Now I wouldn’t recommend having kids 18 months apart for everyone. Getting pregnant at 9 months is a bit early, but in my defense, I thought it would take longer to get pregnant than one time. Now that my kids are 5 & 7, it is quite fun but those early years were tough.

As a pregnancy and postpartum coach I work with women of all types. Some have kids close together, others spread apart, some struggle to get pregnant, and for others it is super easy.

Some women love being pregnant even despite all the aches and pains. I, personally, did like having a baby in my belly and feeling them move, but that is about it. Between morning sickness, gestational diabetes, mental health struggles, and symphysis pubic dysfunction, I just felt like crap most of the time.

I help coach women through pregnancy and postpartum because it was so hard for me. I was 25 when I had my first child. I didn’t have anyone close to me with kids who could talk me through it. I didn’t have a tribe, and frankly I still don’t quite have the tribe I wish I did.

I want to be apart of your tribe. I want to be a resource and listening ear for you.

There are 1000 questions you have during pregnancy.

  • How do I stop being nauseous all the time?
  • How do I work my job through pregnancy?
  • Can I really not eat deli meat?
  • What do I register for?
  • What apps are the best?
  • Do I need to do childbirth education?
  • I want an epidural, but how does it all work?

Then you have 1001 questions for postpartum.

  • Is ____ normal!?
  • What will sex be like?
  • I want to breastfeed but it isn’t working.
  • Crap, what do I do about day care?
  • I have stairs in my house, how do I set everything up for baby?
  • What should I eat postpartum? Can I have ___ again?

The list could go on forever! Am I right!? HA!

This is where Pregnancy and Postpartum Coaching comes in.

In my Pregnancy & Postpartum Coaching Package you get 6 months of care!

  • Childbirth, postpartum, newborn care education & Intro to Nutrition for pregnancy/postpartum course (mixture of zoom & e-course)
  • Pregnancy/Postpartum Coaching
  • Nutrition coaching
  • Support creating registry, setting up home, managing your time, organization, emotional support, and any additional questions/concerns
  • Partner support- your partner will be able to ask questions too! You are a team! If he wants to meet with me 1:1 and ask questions, he is more than welcome and encouraged to do so!

I am your girl for 6 months (longer with DMs and social media 😉 ). I am there to answer questions each week. I am there to listen, laugh, cry, grumble, speak positivity, pray, and more.

If you are pregnant or looking to get pregnant, consider me as your coach. I’ve been working in women’s health for over a decade. I am a type A, enneagram 2, sarcastic, Jesus loving woman ready to help!
Book a call today.

Here are the most common questions and concerns among first-time pregnant women, and what you can do to help ease their minds before their little one arrives.

Sound advice for pregnant and postpartum mamas.

Whenever I have a question about my pregnancy or postpartum, I just ask my coach!

This is how you can get your questions answered – even the weird ones.

I’m chock full of information, and I can’t wait to share it all with you!

About Ellie

Hi, my name is Ellie. I am a wife and mother to two beautiful children. I am a nutritional therapy practitioner and a birth/postpartum doula I can't wait for you to join our community.

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